Boycott & Build a New Game - We Need Both

Boycott & Build a New Game - We Need Both

Today, on February 28, 2025 in the United States, there is an "Economic Blackout" that's been planned to take place. Organized and supported by a grassroots org called The People's Union, the goal is to disrupt the economy for one day by not buying anything from big corporations in order to show the collective power of the people... "We are the Economy" as their slogan says.

While I fully support the overall ethos of this movement - of course WE THE PEOPLE truly are the economy and together we are stronger - it's begging the question, "why fight the old systems so hard when we could be using our energy and human value to build new, better ones?"

This has been my internal line of thought for many years. (I can't help it, I'm an Aquarius. If 'being ahead of your time' was an Olympic sport, Aquarians would win the gold.) Luckily, I'm also wise enough to know that the future is made up of the present moment.

So the answer is, we need to do both.

  • We need incredibly simple actions (or non-actions) we can do now to show how the Old Game is broken.
  • And we also need to start creating the space and the support to build a New Game for humanity. (This one gets much less attention currently, but it's equally or more important because without it where are we headed?)

The good news is that we have a diverse world with people who are naturally interested and gifted at all kinds of things. By truly working together, co-creating together - and not just 'fighting the system' together - we can and will have the momentum and support to make the future that so many of us can envision. A future we know is the way for humanity.

Personally, that's where I've been giving most of my value blocks for the past 2 years and where I enjoy using my talents. Part of this journey has been figuring out how we want to show up and give these things freely to the world. And now, maybe because the revolutionary energy of Pluto in Aquarius is finally here to stay for a while, it's time.

Time to build and implement the new systems, new digital infrastructure, new ways of cooperating, and new most importantly - the new perspectives and beliefs - that can carry us into the next 10 generations with peace and abundance for all.

In the coming months and years, I know we'll be seeing some of the most innovative actions by humans that have happened in centuries. It's exciting (to me at least!) to know that many of the concepts and things we've built will find their way into the world through the great variety of those innovative actions people are taking NOW. Through community projects, movements, decentralized media and more.

My wish for everyone partaking in the economic blackout is that you also use a part of your day to envision how freaking awesome life can be on earth when we have truly people-powered systems! And to think about what role you want to play in creating those new systems.

The New Game at its core is simply the recognition that our human value is the most important thing we have to give. By reclaiming our power and changing where, how and with whom we share that value we can change not only the economy but the entire human experience.

Header image credit: Tim Marshall / Unsplash