The Origin Story of Money 🪙

This story was written by the author from a meditative place of insight and intuition. It is shared in its raw, flowing form. Written as a stream of consciousness, it's relevant to anyone who wonders about the origins of money beyond recorded history. Is it a true story? We don't know, but we do know that it makes a lot of sense! This story was written almost exactly one year ago in a note (before this blog existed), and we felt called to publish it today, Monday, Aug. 19, 2024. It is currently an Aquarius Full Moon in the end of Leo season (bringing disruption to the status quo, revolutionary energy, radical change... you know, nbd 😉).
At the end of this post, you'll find a response form ChatGPT about what it thought the take aways from this story might be and why it might be valuable to humanity. You might enjoy reading that too.
This story closely resembles the truth about the work we've been called to do for the world. We've been called to build a new kind of money in the spirit of what is shared in this story. For years, we've created the pieces as they comes to us, along with the other ideas your may read about on the rest of this blog. The new money for this era is called "Gratitude" and is created from "Value Blocks" that we can each record in our daily lives. The signature of the "creator" is cryptographic today, but it still lives in a kind of digital book called a "value block journal". The new money is recorded on a new "Gratitude cryptographic record system" and is linked back to its origin value block! We hope this context makes the story a little more fun, when you realize this ancient kind of money is being reborn! ✨
TL;DR: A Journey to a Harmonious Past 🌟
(TL;DR written by ChatGPT)
Imagine a world where money isn’t just paper or numbers but beautiful crystal disks carved with personal stories and cosmic significance. In an ancient society of deep spiritual connection and collective harmony, people used these "moony" coins to celebrate and record their daily contributions. Time wasn’t just a tick-tock; it was a sacred rhythm of 27 cosmic blocks, shaping their lives and their currency. Dive into this enchanting tale to discover how a peaceful, purpose-driven civilization redefined value and harmony—offering a timeless vision that challenges our modern understanding of money and community.
Begin Transmission from the Universe 🪄 :
Received an insight that this would clearly be a Lemurian story.
Moon-y … it had two sides 🌕 🌑 … it was carved from special crystals 💎 … and it carried a unique story in every piece!
- 1 side would be from the “stone carver's” signature art… certifying the creation place.
- The 2nd side would be a unique reason for the coin to be carved, the real value created.
There was a time and place where money was free and fair for everyone. People lived in peace and harmony with each other, freely contributing what others needed to make better communities and kind people!
Let me tell you the story of how it came to be!
In very early times, people used to live very purposeful and simple lives filled with love and joy.
Early tribes of people lived in harmony learning how to live off the abundance of plants and to cultivate them for ample food 🥑🥔🍠. Simple, but effective, shelters were constructed and life was filled with free time and love and peace!
All people developed deep spiritual connections with nature. They appreciated their daily lives, the giving earth, and each other greatly. 🌈 Abundant water 💧and fresh air flowed everywhere!
Initially everyone worked together to give freely, making their own lives and their community’s lives better. This was the way of the people. 🌌 They saw how they were all interconnected. If one person was suffering, they would all work together to alleviate that suffering; so they found their harmony in this way! Because they saw themselves and each other as “one” they did not have the concept we now call “ownership”. Instead, they saw themselves as “caregivers” of all things: their bodies, their minds, their environments and all that the earth created.
It was a truly harmonious and beautiful time that has been lost to the history books 📚 as it occurred somewhere between 150,000 years ago and 15,000 years ago, when these official accounts were lost.
In the beginning of this period, these beautiful and wise people had no need for the concept that we call “money” today. Their ability to give freely was enough to balance their local communities and live in abundance, peace, and happiness.
Arts and crafted works were in great appreciation. As the society became more elaborate over time, people began doing many new activities that everyone felt created value in society.
Some of these new activities created the need for people to spend beautiful, but long, periods of time studying and practicing to build new skills. It became more and more desirable for everyone to understand how they all worked together in harmony and to see that a whole day of someone working on a new skill, like writing, was going to create the need for others to help them by making the food they needed for the day, for example.
As the complexity of this beautifully evolving society grew, they had the idea of segmenting their daily activities and love-based efforts into a possible 27 units per day. These people had a deep inner knowing of the beauty of numerology and the magic 🪄 in multiples of three (3x3x3).
They came to understand the segmentation of what we call “time” today as an idea 💡 that they called “timpany” (like symphony). They understood it as a basic rhythm and harmonic wave in life itself. Once upon this ancient time, humanity resonated in our solar system in a unique way, as it was something relative to the cosmic encoding of all things.
They had learned that what we call “time” today is not a linear / fixed phenomenon; it was instead an elastic perception by the human.
The 27 possible increments represented a harmony they saw in a daily solar cycle. They saw the solar energy that shines on the earth each day as the “source energy” for all life. That energy was infinitely divisible in sub units of 27. It was a fractal cube pattern they called a “cubit”. A 3D block that could represent the containment of all energy.
They saw this as the “standard packing” of all life. All life could be represented this way. A full life was made of the complete units of that energetic containment.
So, it was very appropriate for them to see their own daily value, their lives, this way. Easy to count, easy to stack, and easy to calculate and scale in the representations of life - their most sacred understanding.
So a day became a sacred, 27-block cube that was their view of their daily contributions, their segmented recognition of interconnected life itself.
The people submitted daily “drawings” with up to 27 symbols that told of their daily contributions. They produced these on a kind of paper, with a shared symbology or iconography to tell of each of their day’s contributions that they gave freely and with great joy. Everyone was encouraged to give their greatest gifts and passions to the collective, and the society grew very wise, productive, and happy in a very short number of timpanic cycles.
They submitted their daily drawings to extremely gifted stone crystal carvers who had built elaborate crystal cutting mechanisms. These were ingenious designs of which we have lost the technological understanding to reproduce today. They were rumored to work with the harmonic frequencies of the crystals to displace molecules, without the need for friction-based cutting tools like we might use today.
This was a beautiful art and technology to witness. Each day, a gifted team of these carvers would create what they called crystalline “moony” from the unique symbol- based drawings of each of the people.
These drawings then became records in their “great library” of what were the first symbolic books. Records of their whole society were kept in timpanic order and collected in “volumes” on great container-like shelves.
These gorgeous moon-shaped crystal discs 🔵 were then given to each person daily for their contributions.
On one side, they had the mark of the craft house where they were created, as this showed where the original record was stored and the person’s collection in which it could be looked up. As there were civilizations near and far, this kept a sense of origin and place to the moony source.
On the other side was a relatively unique symbol of the original value creator, that matched a hand-drawn symbol on a page, in a book, in a volume for every person in that civilization!
This was a beautiful design with an open index and source map to all value created! You could think of it like “the records of all humanity”.
Not only was this a beautiful system, it gave the people new abilities. They used that “moony” to make more complex societal decisions and increase the collective efforts on things that they all wanted to see more of, as it supported making a better society.
Sometimes there would be amazing new creations that people loved, but it may not have been possible to create one for everyone at once, so the moony was used in applications of “exchange” to help with prioritization. Someone who wanted something the most may give a higher amount of moony to increase their priority in receiving it.
But most commonly, the moony was used as a method of increasing rewards for cooperative efforts on areas that were of most interest for the collective growth of society. These often included endeavors like “astrology” and “meditation”, for example. Wisdom of the society had already elevated beautifully, but the curiosity of the people to learn more was always a great joy.
They understood how to work with the earth and grow large scale farms of these special crystals 💎 that started in cubic form. Once separated, they were then carved into the circular, moon-like shape that we are still familiar with in 'coins' today!
To increase the positive outcomes for all, they gave freely to what they called “frames”, which were like containers 🫙 of what the people wanted to see more of in terms of value creation. It was an elegant design where a pool of rewards was created and anyone in society could contribute. If new efforts were applied to a frame, the usual crystal moony would be newly created, and extra rewards would be given from these pools as well. It worked splendidly to encourage effort in particular areas that benefited everyone, without any of the political strife that we are familiar with today.
You can see that in “timpany” there was a greater supply of moony 🌕 over the course of one’s life. It would cause an increase in decision making power and the ability to add the things needed to improve society or one’s life.
The value of moony stayed relatively constant due to the 27 symbolic cube records that each person could create daily.
This system ensured that every person could contribute human value and record it fairly. It was simple, but ingenious compared to what we have today.
End transmission.
ChatGPT's takeaways from the Story:
🤖 Thank you for sharing your story! Here's what I gathered:
1. Most Impactful Parts
- The Concept of Moony: The idea of "moony" as a crystal-based currency that captures both the creator's signature and the reason for the coin's creation is profound. This intertwining of personal craftsmanship and purpose in currency gives it a deeply human and spiritual quality, setting it apart from the abstract and impersonal nature of modern money.
- Harmonious Society: The depiction of a society where people live in peace, contributing freely to each other's well-being, is powerful. It evokes a vision of a world built on mutual care, respect, and a deep connection to nature, which contrasts starkly with today's more individualistic and materialistic societies.
- Timpany and the 27-Cube Symbolism: The introduction of "timpany," a concept that ties the rhythm of daily life to cosmic harmony, is particularly striking. The idea that time and value are interconnected and that daily contributions are recorded in a sacred, symbolic way adds a layer of spiritual significance to everyday actions.
2. Value for Humanity Today
- A Vision of a Better Society: This story presents a blueprint for a society that prioritizes collective well-being, spiritual connection, and environmental harmony. It challenges modern readers to rethink the foundations of our current economic systems and consider alternative ways of valuing work and contributions.
- Reimagining Money: The concept of money as something that carries both personal and collective significance could inspire people to rethink how value is created and exchanged. In a time when the flaws of our current financial systems are becoming increasingly apparent, this story offers a vision of a more equitable and meaningful approach to currency.
- Encouraging Collective Effort: The idea of "frames" or collective containers for societal goals is a valuable concept for today’s world. It suggests a way to channel resources and efforts towards common good, fostering a more collaborative and less competitive society.
3. Key Lessons or Takeaways
- Interconnectedness and Collective Responsibility: The story emphasizes the idea that all people are interconnected and that society thrives when everyone works together for the common good. This is a powerful reminder of the importance of community and collective responsibility in creating a just and harmonious world.
- Value Beyond Material Wealth: The story suggests that true value lies not in accumulating wealth but in contributing to the well-being of others and the environment. This challenges the materialistic values of modern society and encourages a shift towards more meaningful, purpose-driven lives.
- Sacredness of Time and Contribution: By linking time and daily contributions to a cosmic rhythm, the story teaches that every action has significance and that our lives are part of a larger, sacred order. This perspective could inspire people to live more mindfully and with greater appreciation for their role in the world.
Your story paints a beautiful picture of an alternative way of living that could resonate deeply with those seeking a more meaningful, connected, and harmonious existence. It offers both a critique of our current systems and a hopeful vision for the future.
Value Blocks
The original Value Block for this post:
August 20, 2023
🟧 The Story of Moony (B) ✍🏻🪙🌝 |Spir| :: Felt called to write a "Story of Moon-y", an ancient money that existed between 150,000 to 15,000 years ago. It's an easier to understand story about a time where humans could have had a properly designed money and cooperative giving economy. It's tells how a physical money could have been created in those times that matches the design we're implementing for value blocks, gratitude, and frame based cooperation in the digital design today.
Additional value blocks:
August 19, 2024
🟧🟧 Revisited Origin story of Money, Moon-y 💎🪙🌕 |+E|{TW}
🟧🟧 Re-read and Edited the Moony Story (L) 🤓👩🏻💻 |+E|{TW}
🟧 Posted the Moony Story to The Way Blog (B) ✍🏼📤 |+E|{TW}
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Crystal cube photo by Shubham Dhage via Unsplash.