The New Game Rises - a Solarpunk Revolution

The New Game Rises - a Solarpunk Revolution

Short story entry for the Grist Imagine 2200 climate fiction writing contest

Sometimes when you're building something really innovative, the best thing you can do is to 'lob' the idea out there - WAY out there - into the future; and then, imagine the story about how that future might have come to be.

That's exactly what we did with this short story. We came across this climate writing contest hosted by Grist, to imagine the year 2200 and write the future we want to see. We approached it like a fun creative exercise to imagine the New Game carrying us into a beautiful future! How might it take root? How would it grow? How could it help communities transition to more sustainable and then regenerative ways? (Because to be "re-generative" implies we must first be "generative" - not extractive.)

With a 5,000 word limit, we couldn't squeeze every answer to those questions in, but with a little imagination you'll be able to glimpse the greater vision. So without further ado, enjoy the story!

The Year 2200, Los Angeles

Aria and Ren are dancing and goofing around in their room one sunny afternoon in the year 2200.  The two 20-year-olds are best friends and share a bedroom in one of Venice Beach's many "Giving Homes", a concept and properties that had been given to the community more than 100 years ago and were still thriving today. 

Anyone can stay in a Giving Home so long as they contribute a few value blocks per week to the upkeep and stewardship of the property.  That's how this particular home, now more than 200 years old, has maintained its charm and been given the fullest climate-necessary upgrades (like high efficiency thin solar, rainwater catchment and re-wilded, food-producing gardens). 

As the scent of jasmine fills their room, Aria and Ren find themselves entranced by the beauty of this home and their world.  These girls, and the several generations before them, have only known a world that is a real utopia.  There was no poverty, no conflict, and the 12 billion people thrived in harmony with the earth.  Humanity had raised its consciousness to a “Love and Above” state, where not only the outer world thrived but the inner worlds of every person. 

Lost in her thoughts, Aria trips over a loose floor board and stumbles onto the bed. The girls burst into laughter, but immediately a glimmer of light catches Aria's eye.  "We have to carefully pry this board up!", she yells to Ren.  Working together, the girls pry the board loose, revealing a sealed case hidden below. 

"Should we open it?", Ren asks cautiously. 

"Of course! We have to know,” Aria says as she starts carefully opening the case.  

Inside, they discover an old laptop and several sketchbooks with intricate drawings and notes. 

As they look more closely, it becomes clear that these items date back to a time known as as "The Great Transformation," the period when humanity transitioned from the "Old Game" to the "New Game."  This was the revolution that laid the foundation for the world they now enjoy.  

The girls are filled with questions: What catalyzed this big change?  What were the actions that turned a world on the brink of collapse into the one they know now?

Excited to uncover these possible secrets of the past, Aria and Ren consult their "Oracle," an advanced AI named Ollie.  Ollie, the most popular open-source digital avatar of the time, helps them power up the archaic laptop and transfer its contents. Ollie begins to weave a rich, immersive narrative, combining public historical records with the newly discovered personal data from the laptop.

Through Ollie's vivid storytelling, the girls learn about two extraordinary women, Alyse and Bobbie, whose visionary ideas and tenacious efforts ignited the transformation that reshaped the world.

As Aria and Ren are engulfed in this riveting tale, Ollie pauses.  "Don't leave us hanging, Ollie!" they beg.  Ollie is busy processing some additional information from each of the girls' lives.  When Ollie flashes the next images - detailed family trees going back 10 generations - they realize that Alyse and Bobbie are not just historical figures but their ancestors! 

"Oh my gosh, we're RELATED!!" the girls squeal in unison.  

They now feel a deep personal connection and appreciation of the history they are about to witness.

After a quick snack break, Aria and Ren get comfortable. "Ok Ollie, tell us everything.”  With the setting sun, Ollie starts from the beginning of Alyse and Bobbie's journey... one that would change the world forever.  All because two women dared to build the dream that arose from simply asking "How good can it get?".

Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings and Big Dreams

It was 2024 and Niland, California, looked like an abandoned set of a dystopian movie.  You could easily convince people that this small town (near the south end of the dried up Salton Sea) was completely deserted, but in fact there were almost 500 people still living there.  One of those residents was Alyse, a girl about to turn nineteen.  Her daily life was focused mainly on survival, as they struggled to earn enough to live in this once-thriving agricultural community. 

Alyse's home was on an acre of land near the edge of town, and was made up of two old geodesic domes, a bunch of ramshackle sheds and storage areas, and a small shaded area with a picnic table where she liked to work.  She lived with her mother, a resilient woman named Yelena, and her younger brother, Alex. 

Alyse helped her family by growing vegetables and strawberries in their small garden, using a makeshift irrigation system she had hacked together from discarded materials.  They had functioning solar for all their energy needs, but it was aging and in need of parts Alyse couldn't find through her usual scrap sources.  At night she worked tirelessly on her computer, learning to code and building models of her ideas.  She relied on technology as both an escape from her present conditions, and as a source of hope and possibility for a better future. 

She also mined Bitcoin with their excess solar power to help the family scrape by. 

Her family's story was one of the broken American dreams you hear less about.  Her grandparents had fled Russia during World War II, seeking a better life.  They settled in nearby Bombay Beach during its heyday in the 1950s, a time when its tourism rivaled Yosemite in popularity.  Alyse's grandparents acquired a large tomato and strawberry farm during the time when agriculture was still viable way to make a living.  They sold their produce to local resorts and tourists, but as the years went by, the boom turned to bust.  Her grandparents lost their farm to debt, and the one acre plot that Alyse now lived on was all that was left of her grandparents’ legacy. 

On a sweltering afternoon, a couple of Alyse's friends dropped by with an invitation. They had heard about a festival called "SolarFunk" taking place at Reeves Dry Lake, a 3-hour drive northwest.  It was described as a “pop-up oasis”, where people could come together to share Solarpunk-inspired ideas and celebrate life with great music and great food.  

"Hey, at least it'll be a bit cooler than here," said her friend Nico. 

At first, Alyse refused. "I really can't afford it," she mumbled.  

There were so many responsibilities at home that she didn't want to dump on her mom and brother.  But her friends were persistent, convincing her that she needed to experience life beyond Niland.  

"We've all pitched in to cover your ticket," added Nico. So, reluctantly, Alyse agreed and thanked them.  

It was the first time Alyse had left her home in almost a year, and she was both excited and terrified at the adventure awaiting her. 

That weekend, they arrived at the SolarFunk festival around sunset and unpacked quickly.  The scene was beyond Alyse's wildest imagination.  The festival grounds were truly an oasis of greenery with potted plants, fruit trees, and flowers everywhere that had been brought in advance.  Solar panels gleamed in the late evening sun, providing clean energy for the entire event.  Food stalls offered a huge selection of healthy, plant-based foods.  Colorful tents for the musical performers were spread out over the oasis.  

There was dancing and laughing everywhere Alyse looked, a welcome change from her everyday life. 

As they set up camp, Alyse's friends teased her about finally taking a break from her many projects.  She felt embarrassed for a split second, but then a surge of excitement took over. 

"Guys, this is way cooler than I expected," Alyse admitted. 

This was a world she had never known -  one of abundance and joy.  Alyse smiled, feeling a sense of freedom she hadn't felt in years.

That evening, as she wandered through the festival, Alyse stumbled upon a group of dancers.  The music was amazing, and she found herself freedancing in ways she didn't even know she was capable of.  It unlocked something inside her. 

As she spun around effortlessly, she locked eyes with a girl who was wearing an entirely golden, almost angelic shimmering outfit.  She stared at the girl for an awkwardly long amount of time.  Alyse had a few crushes on girls online before, but the dating pool in Niland and vicinity was not exactly viable.

"Hi! I'm Bobbie," the girl leaned in to say in Alyse's ear. 

Her mind froze for a moment before she introduced herself in return.  Bobbie was truly radiant, her smile lighting up the sky.  The two danced together for the next few songs, and for a moment, the world seemed perfect.  They laughed, talked and even shared a spontaneous kiss under the stars. 

"I should probably go find my friends,” blurted Alyse.  

She was caught off guard by the kiss and it was getting late.  So, they parted ways, each returning to their own camp.

The next day, Alyse and her friends explored the festival grounds. Everywhere she looked, there were signs of innovation and cooperation.  People were sharing and giving everything freely, and groups spontaneously gathered to have inspiring conversations about sustainability and the future.  For the first time, Alyse felt truly seen and understood.

As the day went on, Alyse couldn't stop thinking about Bobbie.  She found herself subtly scanning the crowds, hoping to catch another glimpse of her.  As she surveyed the food stalls for lunch, she spotted Bobbie near a lavish camp setup.  Their eyes met again, and Bobbie waved her over.

Despite feeling like she would be sorely out of place, Alyse slowly walked over.  Bobbie and her friends were relaxing on couches and sipping ice cold drinks.  After introductions and some lunch, the two of them found a quiet corner of the tent and spent the afternoon together talking about their dreams and passions.  

Bobbie had wealthy parents steeped in the worlds of Hollywood and venture capital, but she disliked both of those industries and longed to do something she loved and that made a positive impact.  She hadn't figured out what that was yet, but she was determined.  Alyse opened up about her family's struggles in Niland and her belief that technology could be a force for good.  The two were so different in many ways, but also shared so many of the same bright visions for a better future. 

As the sun set on their second night, they realized they had to leave the next morning.

"I promise to stay in touch," smiled Alyse. It was a promise she was intent on keeping, knowing that this was just the beginning of something very special.

Chapter 2: Love Is the Answer

Back in Niland, life returned to its usual routine for Alyse.  Except something had changed... the memories of the festival and her time with Bobbie replayed in her mind, making her current life feel even more drab.  Alyse continued to work on her projects, but a newfound restlessness had set in.

Bobbie returned to her life as well, which despite looking incredibly luxurious from the outside, now felt empty in ways she had never experienced.  The SolarFunk festival had opened her eyes to the flaws of the extractive capitalist systems she had grown up in.  Bobbie was struck with a pang of yearning to do something on a totally new path.

"These old ways can't be the way of the future," she thought to herself.  She decided in that moment to do more, to create something that could genuinely help people now and into the future.

A few days later, Alyse received her first text from Bobbie!  She looked at it in awe.  Bobbie announced that she was already on her way to Niland, bringing some of the solar panels and batteries left over from the festival with her.  Alyse's heart raced.  She was worried about what Bobbie would think of her humble home, but she couldn't wait to see her again. 

When Bobbie pulled into the dusty driveway, the contrast between their lives became impossible to ignore.  But the happiness she felt seeing Alyse again overwhelmed any other feelings, and Bobbie was captivated by the warmth and welcoming nature of Alyse's family.  

They worked together on improving the solar setup and expanding the garden.  Bobbie reveled in the simple family dinners and quality time hanging out with Alyse's mom and brother.  The girls talked late into the night about their dreams for the future. 

Alyse shared her ideas for what she was calling the "New Game," a system of human interoperability that could replace the old, broken economic structures that got them here. 

"I mean, we're all just playing the same big, global game of poker really," Alyse mused on her analogy to the current economy.  "It's advanced, high-stakes poker, with big gambles and big losses. Everyone has a role in the game whether you want it or not - if you don't play, you can't survive."  

Alyse paused while Bobbie took it all in. 

“It's a winner-takes-all game, and that won’t solve any of our world’s problems.  It’s like we forgot that we, the people, could all decide to play another game!" Alyse smirked.  

"You're so right!" Bobbie interjected, “Just design a new game, one that's cooperative and has the right intentions to support people and earth from the start."  She was super inspired and added in her own ideas, drawing on personal experiences and insights.

They envisioned a world where base human value was recognized and contributions to important collective efforts were of highest regard, rather than money or power.  They talked about what would make up the foundations of this new system.  It was a radical idea, but it felt right.

The time flew by and before she knew it, Bobbie had stayed there four nights! 

Their time together was transformative and their bond deepened.  They both realized that they had the potential to do something good for the world on a big scale, and they were determined to make it happen.  As Bobbie left, they made plans to continue working on their vision.

The seeds of the "New Game" had been planted, and Alyse and Bobbie were ready to embark on a journey that would change everything.

An Ollie Interlude - 2200

As Ollie, the Oracle, narrates this part of the story, Aria and Ren are spellbound.  Ollie pauses, allowing the girls to reflect.  Aria and Ren exchange a look, realizing that they, too, have the power to shape the future. 

"Fasten your seatbelts, girls" Ollie jokes.  The journey of Alyse and Bobbie is far from over, and the girls are ready to hear more about the tests and triumphs that led to the miraculous world they now live in.

Chapter 3: Building a New Game

Thanks to the added solar panels that Bobbie brought to the desert, Alyse's Bitcoin mining tripled and expansion of the gardens gave Alyse's family enough to live on now.  With that, Alyse felt ok leaving Niland for a while and she had finally accepted Bobbie’s invitation to stay with her in LA. 

Bobbie’s cozy, charming bungalow in Venice Beach was a welcome retreat in comparison to Alyse’s home.  The house, nestled in a lush garden with lemon, avocado, and fig trees, was a sanctuary of beauty and inspiration.  Bobbie's home was representative of the peace and stability she enjoyed her whole life.  Simply being there, Alyse felt a wave of revitalization.  For the first time in her life, she felt free from the shackles of scarcity and everything looked brighter. 

The two had a blast as they strolled along the beach, swam in the gentle waves, indulged in farmers' market produce, and sipped cold brew coffee during their long afternoon creative sessions.  Alyse taught Bobbie how to meditate at the beach and they went together most mornings.  More ideas flowed to Alyse than ever before!  It was like she turned on a faucet of insight she never knew was there.  Their deep conversations would often lead to coding sessions where they would work on their project together, building out the foundation of their revolutionary ideas.

Bobbie and Alyse’s dream of a "New Game" was taking shape quickly. One of the key components they started building were "Value Blocks"

In Niland, Alyse often struggled to see the value of all her work since there was no 'job' or 'salary' she could latch onto as a measure of her contributions.  In lieu of that, she started writing down every segment of value she created - whether it was gardening, repairing solar equipment, or taking care of her little brother.  She even noted value blocks for meditation and hikes since she knew those provided value to her overall wellbeing.  

When Alyse showed Bobbie her Value Block Journal, Bobbie's eyes lit up.

"This is brilliant!" she exclaimed. "You found a way to value your contributions even when the current systems didn't."  Bobbie pondered a bit more, "Imagine a digital version of this where everyone's contributions could be recognized and appreciated by the world... that would be game changing!" 

Alyse nodded in agreement. 

They worked diligently at designing an open-source version of a Value Blocks interface and within a few weeks they had a working prototype. 

"Ok, I have another idea that would make value blocks even more powerful," Alyse shared. "Let's hear it!" Bobbie smiled. 

Alyse went on, "When I thought about Bitcoin and why it's valuable, it's partly because there's a limited supply and partly because it takes real energy to mine it.  Then I thought about my value blocks and how I USE real energy to create them.  I need calories, rest and a strong body to create value

If we're rewarding computers for their energy expended and the value creation for the Bitcoin network, we could reward humans for their energy expenditure and value generation for the network of humanity." 

"Whoa, that's deep." Bobbie stretched to take it all in. "So what you're saying is that the value blocks could mint their own new currency in a way?" 

Alyse chimed in, "Exactly, every value block that gets appreciated by another human would mint 'Gratitude' - a new, fresh supply of money that is based in real human value. 

By showing our contributions to a better world with our value blocks, WE ARE GENERATING the funding needed to successfully create and implement the solutions to humanity's greatest issues." 

"Alyse, you're a genius!" Bobbie hugged her tightly.  "You've just answered the quintessential question that everyone is asking: Where do we get the funding to fix our world?”

The girls took a moment to soak in this radical new innovation. "We've gotta test this out," Bobbie said. 

Chapter 4: Dreams to Reality

To help bring their vision to life, Bobbie and Alyse began doing pilot projects in their local community.  They collaborated with friends, neighbors, and local organizations to test their ideas. 

Right away, they saw that another key component was missing.  All these groups required cooperation on various levels, and if people were contributing value blocks to these projects they needed a way to note where the value was being given.  Was it to the Venice Community Garden? Or to the new homeless youth center? 

Then it hit Bobbie: "We need FRAMES," she said with clarity.  "What's missing is the context for all of this value creation."  

In the future, they did not see a world where the only ways to contribute your value were through a job or owning a company.  Those structures were far too limiting for the breadth and depth of solution-based work that needed be done in the world.  And if the world waited for the ‘right’ aligned jobs to be created or the funding for companies to come through, it may be too late. 

Working together needed to be a LOT easier and more fluid if they were going to accomplish humanity's To-do list in time to avoid destruction of the earth.  Offices were once the physical place people came together to cooperate, but there wasn't a sufficient digital container that created the same effect. 

"I got it!" Bobbie jumped up...

"Frames are transparent, people-powered frameworks for working together on things that have collective benefit.  So all your work on the solar power at your home could have gone into the 'Solar' Frame or even higher up into 'Sustainable Energy' and those value blocks could be appreciated by other people who want to support clean energy." 

Because they were digital and open source, the components were very adaptable.  The girls even created a new way that Value Blocks and Frames could be used as an add-on to existing businesses that were trying to be more transparent and ethical

Months in, the pilot projects were a resounding success!  People were excited about the new possibilities and the tangible benefits of the New Game. They saw how Value Blocks recognized their contributions, how Frames gave context to cooperation, and how Gratitude created a more humane and connected society.

In the wake of their early successes, the world took a turn for the worse.  News of worsening climate change and the collapse of the global financial system due to unsustainable debt loads spread like wildfire.

Determined to make a difference, Alyse and Bobbie took their ideas to influential people, seeking help and resources.  Frustratingly, they were met with skepticism and even indifference.  Most people didn't see the fatal flaws in the "Old Game".  Several dismissed their plans as unrealistic, and those who seemed interested were too busy with their own lives to offer any real support. 

Bobbie's parents even suggested that they create an official 'startup' entity and that if they did, Bobbie's dad could then use his VC contacts to help them.  But they knew deep down that wasn't the way.  Something this important needed to be open source, decentralized and people powered - free from needing roots in the "Old Game".

Feeling alone and defeated, Alyse and Bobbie had a moment of doubt.  They cried together, questioning whether their dream was too big, too radical for people to accept.  The weight of trying to change deeply ingrained systems and beliefs seemed too hard to carry.

In the face of these setbacks, Alyse and Bobbie remembered one of their favorite Thich Nhat Hanh teachings: "No Mud, No Lotus”.  Thanks to their meditation practice, they knew how to take care of their emotions in tough times like this.  Channelling their energy into a new plan, they conceived the idea of creating a movie to showcase the power and innovation of the New Game.  The film would be a working example, using all the key components and inviting the whole world to participate in a people-powered revolution! 

They envisioned a climate solutions documentary that highlighted how this new kind of collective action could transform the world and help us meet our climate goals.  It would focus on the systemic solutions, and show that when we have the right incentives and tools to work together on a huge scale, anything is possible

Bobbie and Alyse began preparing for the movie pitch with renewed determination, reaching out to potential collaborators in the film industry and environmental movements.  The movie would be their ultimate pilot, a way to spread the story of the New Game on global scale and inspire a wave of organic change.

The recent challenges had only strengthened their resolve.  They were ready to show the world the New Game and prove that a better, truly sustainable future was already beginning to unfold.

A Comedic Ollie Interlude - 2200

Ollie chimes in with another joke, "Back in the 2020s they would have said ‘now those are some boss bitches!' LOL. ‘Laughing out loud’ was also a favorite phrase of that era.” 

Aria and Ren laughed hysterically.  They didn’t know Ollie had such a sense of humor! 

“I had to sneak that in girls, but now back to our story!” Ollie continued. 

Chapter 5: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Now deeply in love and a duo to be reckoned with, they succeeded in attracting support for their New Game Climate movie.  The excitement of production took over, and they were thrilled that over a thousand people around the world were coming together to contribute in some way.

The whole movie was operating on the premise that everyone would freely give their value blocks to the movie, and then once the movie was completed and given to the world, all the money people gave to support the film would be automatically distributed among the blocks. 

In another innovative twist, they realized that they could use Bitcoin as a bridge to the New Game, creating more immediate rewards for the value blocks!  This would allow the crew to have some funding before the film was finished.  When Bitcoin is given to the movie's frame, stored value blocks are created in proportion to the gift given.  These serve as records of generosity in the New Game.  Alyse and Bobbie were able to secure a couple million dollars this way, ensuring that they could reward at least some of the early value blocks. 

However, their biggest challenge yet hits them right in the gut…  Despite their crystal clear description of how the value block rewards will work, some movie contributors realize the Bitcoin won't last for the entire duration of filming and threaten to quit.  The confusion spread as people were not quite used to this model yet.  There was a real risk of the film not being completed.  

In an emergency online meeting, Alyse and Bobbie deliver a heartfelt speech about the importance of this mission and the long-term impact it could have.  Sure, there was a small risk that the value blocks contributed may not be fully rewarded once the movie is released.  BUT there was an even greater chance that the support from the world would be overwhelming and everyone's value blocks would be rewarded far beyond the base amount.  

Bobbie spoke to the crowd with razor sharp clarity, "As one of my favorite quotes from the Tao Te Ching says, 'Giving and receiving are one.’ It’s our time to give.”  

Her words resonated deeply, rekindling the spirit of revolutionary change.  Everyone recommits to finishing the movie, motivated more by the vision of a better world than the immediate rewards.

The movie wrapped, becoming the first film created using New Game principles and components.  It was a testament to the ingenuity of Value Blocks, Frames, and Gratitude, and to the power of Giving.  Their collective efforts were encapsulated in a work of art that was freely given to the public. The film released on multiple streaming platforms and was placed on the Intra-Planetary File System (IPFS) for low-cost distribution and longevity, ensuring it reached a global audience.

Within the first year, the movie broke countless records, with over a billion views. The public’s response was overwhelming, with people from all over the world giving more than $5 billion in gifts that were fairly distributed among all the value blocks.  More importantly, over a billion people were inspired to join the New Game, regularly recording Value Blocks and generating Gratitude.  The movie’s success signified that the New Game was here to stay, marking the beginning of a global transformation. 

On the heels of this monumental accomplishment, Alyse and Bobbie return to Niland. They help Alyse’s family build a new sustainable house, complete with advanced solar canopies and lush gardens underneath.  This mini utopian oasis in the desert becomes a symbol of what’s possible when people work together for a the common good.  Alyse feels a profound sense of peace and fulfillment, knowing her family is thriving. 

The world continues to evolve towards greater harmony and sustainability over the coming years.  Exponential change has begun.  Alyse and Bobbie, finally able to rest, embark on a weekend sailing trip to Catalina. 

Sailing is indeed an apt metaphor for how their journey went - it certainly is not linear and the right storms can create the wind you need be propelled even further. 

As they sip cocktails and sail into the sunset, they smile thinking of this epic journey and the bright future ahead. "I wouldn't change a thing," Bobbie smiled. 

Closing Thoughts - 2200

In the wee hours of the morning, Ollie finishes the story for Aria and Ren.  The significance of the past on their present utopia is more clear than ever.  They marvel at how two women’s vision and determination transformed the world. 

The legacy of Alyse and Bobbie serves as a powerful example of the importance of being good ancestors - honoring the past, but serving the present and future.

Ollie reminds the girls that there are more “Value Block artifacts” (digital records of the journey and achievements of Alyse and Bobbie), that they can look through another time.  The girls ponder how they could create an exhibit to share these artifacts with the world, since they serve as both educational tools and sources of inspiration.  They are tangible artifacts reminding people of the power of love, vision, collaboration, and perseverance.

Aria and Ren's journey may just be beginning, but it's one rooted in resilience and continuity.  The world of 2200 is still a single point on the cosmic timeline. 

Even in a utopia, there is always something great to be or do for humanity. 

The future is an open canvas for the next generation to paint with their dreams and actions.  And even the most profound changes start with a single idea and the courage to pursue it.

Venice canals photo by Roberto Nickson / Unsplash